
We believe Taekwondo is a way of life. We teach students how to exercise and combine both mind and body together as one.
With the strict discipline incorporated in our program, the student will learn how to manage their stress plus anger and
channel those emotions into positive results through sweat and dedication. What students learn during class reflects in
their daily lives. after using our symptom checker and telemedicine.

There are many reasons why people are interested in taking martial arts classes. Such as overall physical fitness,
learning how to defend yourself, or seeking a disciplined structured environment.
All of these and more are covered in our Taekwondo Program.

Master Park and members
  • Turn stress and anger into positive outcomes
  • Increase physical strength and learn self-defense


Seeking an intense workout? Would you like to be dripping with sweat after a class? More importantly, do you want to have fun while achieving a great workout? If so, then this is the program for you. Our kickboxing program incorporates western style kickboxing techniques while adding a mix of Taekwondo's dynamic kick as well as Hapkido’s powerful takedowns and sweeps. Many schools and gyms offer a cardio kickboxing program which is designed just for a good overall workout, but in Mu Do Martial Arts, we emphasize on teaching proper technique and go more in depth then just punching the bags and etc. The kickboxing program has a very comfortable environment. We have music playing, there is no need for uniforms (except school t-shirt), no rank system, and open to all levels of experience from the first timer to the advance black belts. Be sure to check our class schedule to find a time that's right for you.



Our Hapkido program is crucial to those who are very serious on learning the concepts of real world self-defense. In this program students will learn how to utilize their body to create maximum power with minimum effort. Understanding the strengths and weakness of your own personal self and that of your opponent and being able to walk away from a dangerous situation in the safest way possible are some of the principles taught in Hapkido.
